Cinematography credits


Do you mind can I ask (what happened to your legs)?

2021 [UK] A Simon Fildes film produced by Eyebolls and GO/AT.

Bloody Love

2021. [UK] Dir:Maryam Hamidi. Clan Creative Productions.

The Northleach Horror

2016. [UK] Dir: David Cairns. Plum Films. Period horror.

The Northleach Horror, 2015

City of the Blind

2014. [UK] Dir:David Leddy. Fire Exit. Interactive 6-part drama.

A woman standing in front of a motorway lit by headlights, holding a laptop. Her eyes are smudged out by light trails.

Ahora, No

2013. [Spain] Dir:Elia Ballesteros/Kate Campbell. Prod: La Tarara. List of awards here and festivals here

Ahora. No 2013

Happy Lands (2nd Unit)

2012. [Scotland] Additional Photography for a feature drama.

Where Are They Now?

2010. [UK] Dir: Jo Coates Prod: Jess Gormley/Wittering Productions.

Where are They Now, 2010


2009. [Scotland] Dir/Prod: Amy Rose. Co-Prod: Susan Wright. Shot on location on the Isle of Tiree.

Daddy’s Girl

2007. [UK] Dir: Marcella Forster. Short drama. Selected for Rhode Island and Palm Springs Film Festivals, nominated for best international film at AMRITSA festival. Winner of Best UK Short at the British Film Festival Los Angeles.

Daddy’s Girl, 2007


2007. [Scotland] Dir: Graham Drysdale. Short drama. Silver Hugo from the Chicago International Film Festival.


2005. [Scotland] short drama Dir: Zack Copping. Shortlisted for Scottish BAFTA. Selected for the Official Competition for the Berlin Film Festival.


2004. [Scotland] Autonomi for Cineworks. Dir: Peter Mackie-Burns. Short studio drama. Shortlisted for Scottish BAFTA. Golden Bear from Berlin Film Festival.

Milk, 2005

Matter and Meaning

2007. [Germany/UK] Dir: Thelma Mitchell. Short drama set in a second-hand bookshop in Berlin.

The Toll

2005. [Scotland] Cineworks film. Dir: Matt Lloyd. Short drama.

The Toll, 2005


2006. [Scotland] Out and Out Films for Cineworks. Dir: Matt Pinder. Short drama. Screened at Berlin Film Festival, Newport Film Festival, 1st prize from the Children’s Jury at the Chicago International Children’s Film Festival.

No Coke

2006. Short drama. Dir: Jørn Utkilen. Screened at Heart of Gold International Film Festival, Worldwide Short Film Festival, Cinefest.


2004. [Scotland] Elysium Productions. Dir: Rosie Toner. Short drama filmed on location in Dumfries and Galloway.

Game Over

2004. Short drama.Dir: Samir Mehanovic.

Final Move

2003. Short drama. First Writes for First Light and Scottish Screen.


2004. Short drama. Dir: Ian Waugh. s16mm.

Bubblegum Princess

2004. Short drama. Dir: Hazel Baillie.

Gallowgate Lard

2003. Short drama. Dir: Maxine McCall.


2002. Short drama. Dir:David Paton. Screened at Rotterdam International Film Festival. Best film at Glasgow Short Film Festival.

Nine Lives

2001. Short drama. (Grad Film) s16mm.


2001. Short drama. Dir: Mark Ash. s16mm.


2000. Short drama. Dir: Mark Ash. 16mm.


2000. Short drama. Dir: Nina Bacchus. 16mm.